About The Book
Downloading Grace from Heaven will give you the missing piece in your Christian life – God’s grace! The entire spiritual dimension of life is free. It is received, not earned. It is given and not paid for! Spiritual things such as love, joy and peace come to us by believing and receiving. DGFH will show you how this works. You will learn how to have instant self-control, instant joy and how to obtain wisdom from God, just by believing and receiving the grace of God into your inner being through faith. This book will make the Bible come alive to you as the promises of Jesus Christ become your keys to Christian living.
About the Author
John Edmiston leads a digital non-profit called Cybermissions which provides free and low-cost theological education to those most in need. He has lived in Australia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and the USA and has led churches, taught in seminaries and led various Christian outreach organizations during his 40 years in ministry. John now lives in Virginia with his wife Minda.

John Edmiston
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